Ann Arbor, MI 48104,USA

Meet Steve Krawczyk: Data Scientist and Machine Learning Thought Leader

Connected Strength Training

Meet Steve Krawczyk: Data Scientist and Machine Learning Thought Leader

We’d like to introduce the newest member of the ShapeLog team, Steve Krawczyk. Steve is a data scientist and machine learning thought leader who just happens to love strength training. He has already upped our game in the way we structure and analyze data. Without much effort, Steve has proven that he can analyze user performance data to uniquely identify and coach individual users.

Why Did We Hire Steve?

Most importantly, Steve is a great person. He’s smart, honest, and communicates clearly. Folks like that are hard to find and always in-demand.

When it comes to strategic objectives, data science and machine learning are core capabilities that we will build and retain in-house. Some teams are fitness people who embrace technology….we are technology people who happen to love fitness. Steve’s data science background complements the hardware, wireless communications, and software expertise embedded in the current crew. Our intent is to build a world-class team around Steve to build a scaleable product that delights users.

 We don’t see that great strength training coaching product in the market yet.

That’s not a criticism of of any company or individual currently in the industry. This is hard. We stand on the shoulders of giants and believe this is the moment in history when that truly great product is possible. The tools are there. The appetite from consumers has arrived. The right data and the right team are what we bring to the industry, and finding great partners with deeper fitness expertise is how we will go to market.

Steve Krawczyk is an example of why this is a great time to be in fitness technology. It’s exciting to get up every day and geek out with interesting colleagues, building a product that will help people live better lives. We’re lucky to have a guy like Steve on our team, and don’t take the opportunity for granted.

Welcome, Steve!